OUTTS (formerly TAFF) is the University of Oxford society for theatre technicians and designers, supporting all those working on student drama within Oxford. The core of OUTTS is a highly active mailing list, with our members being anyone who is subscribed to the list. The list is used by upcoming productions to advertise available team positions, as well as by the committee to keep members up to date on relevant news and events. For more information see our mailing list page.
OUTTS is run by a committee who organise social events and workshops throughout the year, as well as running a hires system for a large variety of props and equipment. They also provide information and advice for anyone involved in Oxford theatre, much of which can be found on this website, and for more specific queries the committee can be emailed and are always happy to help.
If you are looking to get involved in OUTTS the first step is to join the mailing list and then explore our website to get an idea of what exactly you can be involved in!
Until October 2022, OUTTS was named 'TAFF - Tabs Are For Flying'. The name was changed to give greater transparency to the objectives and scope of the society, enabling us to support more of those involved in technical theatre. For more information, please see Change of Society Name.