Mailing List
Subscription to the mailing list constitutes membership of OUTTS. It is used to advertise positions on upcoming productions, as well as by the committee to let members know about socials, workshops or other relevant events. Crew calls and other OUTTS news are collated for a weekly newsletter.
If you have crew calls that you would like to send to the mailing list, please send it to for it to be included in the weekly newsletter.
Emergency crew calls can be sent directly to the mailing list at but will pend approval.

Mailing List Quick Tips
Read our guide to writing a good OUTTS call
Sell the role
You need to convince strangers to want to give you a not insignificant portion of their time for free, so provide a good amount of creative details about your show, e.g. genre, setting, direction style.
Advertise for Producers, Directors, and Marketing Managers on the OUDS Newsletter
Advertise paid positions on the mailing list
Make TAFF calls, even for heads of department!
Yes, it's a shot in the dark and you're not guaranteed to get responses, but you might find someone totally brilliant you've never come across before. Replying to TAFF calls is most people's first step into technical theatre and we want to welcome newcomers with the best opportunities we can.
Distinguish between 'designers' and 'technicians'
A costume designer will analyse the script, collect inspiration, and make sketches, while a costume technician will do the manual labour of creating the clothes based on the designer's specifications, and etc for the other roles. If you make a call for a 'lighting technician', they probably will not be prepared to organise your hires and create your rig plan.
Use 'Reply All' when posting to the mailing list

OUDS Newsletter
is run by the OUDS committee and contain details of upcoming shows, audition opportunities as well as openings for non-technical roles such as director and producer, and details of venue and funding applications
This mailing list can be subscribed to at